No practice excels that of browsing along a library shelf containing books on the subject that has awakened your interest, and sampling them.
Henry Hazlitt
It might not be an earth-shattering revelation, but It may prove useful someday.

Here is an example of an interesting section that I stumbled upon recently. It begins with
- No control
- BF Skinner's Beyond Dignity And Freedom @ BF 621 S456 . You know him as the figurehead of operant conditioning branch of the behaviorist school of psychology. I find it nice that his initials match the classification number.
- Self-controlled behavior
- La Maîtrise de soi by Chauchard . BF 632 C43
- Le Pouvoir De La Volonté Sur Soi-même, Sur Les Autres, Sur Le Destin . BF 632 J33
- Self-control :power to the person by Mahoney BF 632 M22
- Control by others
- Ulrich's Control of Human Behavior. Found ten copies. BF 632.5 U4
- Brainwashing by Hunter- Accounts from the Korean war and elsewhere. Interesting chapter on how to resist it. BF 633 H8
- Thought reform and the psychology of totalism ;a study of brainwashing in China by Lifton. BF 633 L53
- Control with help of others; counseling, interviewing
- Applied psychology by Crane BF 636 C73
- Peale's Power of positive Thinking BF 636 P37
- Control of others; negotiation & salemanship BF637 and on
- Getting to Yes By Fisher Ury BF 637.N4 F57.1991 . A classic of negotiation. Ury's solo work Getting Past No, is even better.
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