Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ken by Request Only

Moving along to news of the odd from times past, there's the LP album Ken: By Request Only. This one is regularly featured in galleries containing the 'worst album covers of all time'. Ken's expression is certainly odd, his gaze fixed expectantly on something on the horizon. Now, really, other than that there is not much to make it merit the worst album cover ever title or to be among the top contenders; there are plenty that are really bad out there that easily top Ken.

Other than its unusual cover design what there are a couple of other attributes that makes this album special. First, it is a very rare; so rare, that only records just two auctions of it despite its notoriety: .  Second,  the music is actually good. It is Christian music and even though I'm not regularly exposed to it, I find Ken's songs and singing appealing and not corny, as some jaded people might say. I would play it to my children any day. There's good news too: some kind soul has digitized a copy and has made the music available on youtube for anyone to check it out 

This may be our lucky week as there's one copy up for grabs on ebay. I'll bid for it, though I don't expect to win.

You can read more about Ken here:

Now, returning to the Worst Album covers galleries, these are among the funniest things I've found on the net. Over the last couple of years I've not laughed as hard as when I look at them. The uploaders' comments and rankings only add to the mirth. Here are some links:


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